
The ever glamourous Snapper, is a very popular fish and is highly prized for its moist, delicate taste and is very easy to cook.


  • Jan
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  • Nov
  • Dec

Sustainability Notes

Snapper is in fact part of the Bream family and not a 'True' Snapper.

It is caught in the wild by a range of methods including trawling, longlines, handlines and gillnets, from southern QLD, south to central WA. Snapper is a marine fish, caught in both coastal and offshore waters. They are available year-round, though supply is greatest in the winter months. Individual fisheries have seasonal closures (such as all of SA fishery in Nov).

Trials in Snapper Aquaculture, with a focus on 'plate-size' fish, are currently happening in SA, WA and NSW using open pen sea cages.
Snapper is a much sought after species by both commercial and recreational fishers and high fishing pressure in most states have led to stocks being overfished. All states and New Zealand have stock recovery plans, however the difficulty in assessing and controlling the recreational catch presents a significant challenge. The Victorian stock is currently the healthiest and has been accredited as sustainable by the Sustainable Australian Seafood Assessment Program (SASAP) in 2011.